
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cancel my subscription or change my payment methods?

You can manage your subscription here. Use the email address you used when signing up. If you need help email us at .

What if I want to take my domain (professional website address) to another service?

You can transfer your domain away from Pro Stamped at any time, just email us at and let us know you would like to transfer your domain.

What if I don't have or want to redirect to a Facebook page?

You can redirect your website address to any page online, like a squarespace page. Or if you don't have any presence online yet contact us and we can help build out a professional website for your business.

What if I want to change where my address redirects to after I set it?

You can change your site and email redirects on your account page.

How do I get help?

You can email us at and a real person will respond as soon as possible. Typical response times are less than 24 hours.